Hi my name is Jenny Lind, I have a 10 month old Husky mix named Gizmo. Four weeks ago, Gizmo was a SPAZ! He would get up on the counters, he barked at people walking by, he would jump out at bicycles. He could not sit, stay, or come. He was not able to go off leash and he pulled badly on the leash. If that were not enough, he had plenty of food aggression. So I came to Ted while I was on vacation in Halifax and now he’s like a different dog!
I recently took him to my Vet and she didn’t even recognize him because he was so obedient in the clinic. When I come back to Halifax next summer, I am looking forward to bringing Gizmo back with me so we can do group classes with other dogs. I have already recommended Unleashed Potential to other dog owners and friends. Thanks again for helping me get Gizmo trained properly. Now I can enjoy him even more!
Jenny Lind.