Separation Anxiety.

Mango Dogs does not work with Severe Cases of Separation Anxiety. We do work with mild cases frequently. This page should help you determine the severity of your dogs case, and help you determine if your dog is just destructive, bored, has separation anxiety or containment phobia. 

Separation Anxiety: (We can help with some cases, but not all)

The anticipator state of a dog when they are left alone. There are mild cases, concerning cases, and severe cases. Mild cases look like dogs panting, pacing the house, whining, and barking for 5-20 minutes before calming down. Concerning cases happen when dogs take hours to stop barking, pacing, etc and Sever cases are prolonged, often including serious destructive behavior and sometimes self harm. 

We don't work with concerning cases or severe cases, as those cases often need to be medicated. Concerning cases and Severe cases can take months or years to get under control and sometimes never go away completely. Because we are not specialists in Severe Cases of Separation anxiety, we don't work with such cases. 

Containment Phobia: (Read the book linked below)

Dogs who are stressed over being isolated in enclosed areas. These ares can me in a dog crate/kennel, bedroom, or even more open areas can cause containment phobia to some dogs. 

Destructive Behavior: (Contain your dog)

Some dogs get mad when left alone and start to destroy for that reason. containing them is the only real solution in the short term, but we do have some techniques that can help these dogs over time as well. Often times, providing more exerise and structure goes a long way. 

Boredom Chewing: (Contain your dog, they will grow out of it)

Dogs who get bored and start chewing. This is very common for dogs under the age of 2.5 years. 

This issue must be solved by containing the dog when you can not watch over them, until they grow out of the behavior. Why? We'll you can't correct a your dog for chewing on the sofa when your at the grocery store. Most dog who suffer from this issue grow out of the issue around the age of 3 years.

These issues are hard to work on because your not home to help your dog make better decisions. With many of our clients, structure and obedience will help, but not always, sometimes the only thing you can do is go back to crate training to stop the issue. 

The best book I've seen on the topic 

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