A month ago we found a video on youtube that Ted posted and it really impressed me.

Ted’s a great dog trainer and he understands that training our dog is only the start, he spent a lot of time training and teaching us to be well-educated owners too. That’s important for us, as we want to keep things constant.

My 1-year-old German Shepherd did not have a lot of opportunities to socialize when she was younger, and we found her acting very aggressively towards other dogs and even humans. She was fine in the home when we are around, but it was nearly impossible to take her for a walk, especially running into neighbours.

German Shepherd training Halifax NS Canada

Our 1st week of the training was very basic and Ted stressed important fundamentals, which are very important as I found out later on. I did plenty of research into different training methods including the E-Collar before I called Ted. He really provides a very diversified approach when it comes to dog training. He understands that every dog is different. And the training is fun and effective.

By the 2nd week, I was able to get CiCi to stop pulling the leash and walk her with much more control. Now I have finished 5 sessions and doing daily homework, CiCi can go to the park and run off-leash now and  I can walk her without embarrassing myself.

I highly recommend Ted for those who are eager to learn, and really want to enjoy the company of their dogs more fully.

Lin Xu

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