Bubba is a 2-year-old English Bulldog who recently got an attitude adjustment from Mango Dogs and here’s his story.

Bubba was brought home to a new family at the age of 8 weeks from a local breeder. Showered with love and affection for the first 6 months, when they realized they were not equipped to give him the care and structure he needed. Bubba was not getting much attention or exercise anymore and that didn’t sit right with him. He started nipping the kids, jumping on people, pulling on the leash, attacking anything with wheels, not coming when called, and guarding toys.

These behavioural issues ultimately ended up becoming so much of an issue for the owners that they started isolating him in an extra bedroom for long periods to avoid the issue altogether. He didn’t have much of a life, and his owners knew they were in over their heads, and decided they didn’t want him anymore.

Enter Karen.
Karen heard about Bubba’s situation via a mutual friend and her heart went out to him. She went to visit him and it was agreed that Karen would adopt Bubba and give him the time, attention, and training that he needed.

Karen has a big heart, and she secretly hoped that love was going to fix the issue. She’s had dogs before and her last dog was a bulldog mix.

Bubbas issue got really bad very quickly after moving to Karen’s home. It seemed that the new attention, long walks (long for a bulldog), and love was not going to fix the issue. He was now trying to attack and bite Karen and her boyfriend, and any guest who might come to the house. Overwhelmed, she reached out to Ted, the owner of Mango Dogs. and has been working with dogs like Bubba for a really long time, so she thought that he would be their best chance at saving Bubba’s life.

“I just couldn’t trust him, one moment he’d be walking around the kitchen, and the next, he’d be trying to attack me for no reason.”

After meeting with Ted for an evaluation, they decided to pull the trigger. The price was not cheap, but they had made Bubba a promise, and they didn’t want to put him down. After just a few weeks of training, they saw a huge improvement in Bubba’s behaviour. After 4 weeks, they remarked that they finally had control over Bubba, and they were finally starting to trust him.

He had become so unpredictable that Karen had to stop walking him, he was also being kenneled during the day, despite the fact that she worked from home.

All interaction had to happen when her boyfriend got home from work. This had all changed in just 4 weeks. She was now able to walk him without fear that he might
try and attack her again and she could handle him without issue all day when her boyfriend was at work.

They are having people over again, and “he’s like a different dog,” says Karen. “We’re still watching him just in case, but the change has been incredible”. “I don’t feel like a prisoner in my own home anymore”. Karen said. Bubba is coming to our weekly group classes now and he’s one of the best dogs in class.

If your struggling with your dog, please give us a call and see how we can help. We can help with all types of behavioral issues, and as you’ve just read, aggression issues too. Get things
done right the first time, call Mango Dogs today.

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